97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know

Featured in the O’Reilly Media publication 97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know. Purchase your copy here:

97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know

Chef Blog

ChefConf: What Keeps Me Coming Back: See my post on Chef’s blog where I talk about why I continue going to ChefConf after all these years.

CIO Magazine

7 tech buzzwords to cancel in 2020: For this article, I chatted with CIO Magazine’s Clint Boulton to talk about tech buzzwords that are losing their meaning in the industry.


Using Automation Tools to Drive Collaboration, Innovation: My post on devops.com highlights how you can use automation tools to drive collaboration and spark devops practises within your organization.


Security automation charges IT ops to build the ‘paved road’: For this article, I spoke with Senior News Writer Beth Pariseau about how at CARFAX we have empowered all of our users to learn Chef.

Chef Automate 2.0 renews appeal to DevOps shops: Here, I once again speak with Beth Pariseau about whether the release of Chef Automate 2.0 lived up to our expectations.


At ChefConf, abstracting the intractable and automating the enterprise: In this article, Jason English gives a nice write up where he mentions my 2019 ChefConf keynote where I shared how dev and infrastructure teams are working together to automate the things at CARFAX.